Received a notice that I had to file my 2022 refund before they'd release my 2024 refund. Filed 2022, now what should I expect?
Georgia State Refunds in motion….
Can we get 570 971 code crew here
There's hope my 0705's! It's on the way!
GA state refund? Any update
I filed on 1/27 and just logged into the Irs site and seen this message, can someone help explain this?
help, can some clarifyy??
Everyone is updating but mine
is anyone else in the same boat as me ?
Help me understand my ddd and cycle and stuff
Everyone’s plans with their refunds?
I just received a message from the irs
I just received a secured message
filed 1/27 but my transcripts are still blank.
Got this for the first time this is my second year filing first year went threw now this year I get this
Does anyone know what this means?
What's the most nostalgic Cereal?
Guess here
Action required
I need God to give me a clear answer
I’m trying to do whatever i can to keep my son with me
should i allow my mom to take over guardianship of my baby boy
should i allow my mom to take over guardian ship of my baby boy?
should i allow my baby boy to go live with my mom 4 states away?
should i allow my son to go live with my mom?