What’s the Most Messed Up Thing Someone Has Said to You While Pregnant or Postpartum?
Need words of encouragement...still breastfeeding and so tired of being a hungry giant:(((
Adjusted Age
Am I too sensitive and overreacting, or did my in-laws cross a boundary? How do I even proceed from here?
Why do doctors never mention diet?
Which baby wipes do you use for newborn?
Messed up, unsure on how to recover.
My Baby was in the NICU. Postpartum depression, or am I just overwhelmed?
my golden goose collection
Is there ANYONE who views this positively?
How long did you stay in the hospital after delivering, and via which method?
Do you leave the cleaning until Working Parent gets home?
Jackies controlling Claudias pregnancy
Second baby, also in the nicu :(
Postpartum food prep
Jackie’s HANDS.
Tattoo regret - please help me deal with it
Having kids and gaining weight
When she said “ladies, sh*t in his house. First night” … she might’ve become my new favorite 😂😂😂
David protein bars
What is a cheap product that is surprisingly a holy grail item for you?
Must read books? preconception and preganancy
What age did you let your baby go out with other family members without you?
I’m making one cake a week until my skills improve. This week is st patty’s cake w/ bonus cupcakes
What’s harder? Pregnancy with a toddler, or toddler and a newborn?