Drop some of your favourite lyrics.
Is he sitting or standing?
Papon live in mumbai❤️🤌🏻
These Bollywood lyrics live rent-free in my head. What are your favorites?
I feel intimidated already
The car has been parked ✨
Cutiee piee❤️
Name a song that makes you want to do this:
The beauty 🤌🏻
Are there any Indian movies that are an actual musical?
Street Shopping areas in Pune
What's the most suspenseful movie you've ever watched?
Are there any good bollywood thriller movies realised in recent times
Which song is like a "therapy session" for you?
What do you actually do when you’re bored?
He’s a weirdo 👽❤️
Her eyes 🤌🏻
Your username is how you die, how'd you die??
Purrfect Family 😻😺
Which actor has the best filmography in bollywood?
Guessing plot twists ahead of the reveal
This lovely girl's smirk
Why isn't he reacting?