Slipstream Racing, looking for F1 league racers! (NA-based, VRC FA 2024)
VRC FA 2024 F1 League, looking for drivers! (NA-based)
3 Months in and NO Ragerts!
This beauty came in the mail today. Thoughts?
Can someone please review the DND Nikos II (2)
BST-300EX Bass Shaker Install
This Pen writes as well as or better than each of my other pens
This lost case was found at the Baltimore Pen Show on Sunday. If it's yours message me with its contents and we'll return it.
I don’t even write and I keep buying pens.
My rig that I can't use because neighbors complain about noise every time I use it.
2 months into this hobby. How do I stop?
Do I have a problem?
Ok what is wrong with the vrc formula alpha 2024 it keeps spinning out every corner?! I can drive the RSS f1 car and the iracing f1 cars what is different about this one
Overall F1 experience in AC = BS
After all these years… I have them
CV joint?
Fitbit Ace LTE
Got my first FP 6 months ago, now I have 56 and user anxiety.
Day 3 of learning latte art.
Is this acceptable guys?
For the doctors and pharmacists here
What should I tell this for?
Just found a Montblanc 149 at Goodwill for $5
Another cleaning