Why are the flaws in capitalism considered “normal” while socialism's automatically make the entire system unworkable?
Do you think the FIRE movement skewed people’s perceptions of middle class?
In an isolated socialist state will there be people who are anti government?
I'm playing Halo CE for the first time and...
Why is the Federal Reserve privately owned?
How do you guys feel about the Department of Education being dismantled by Trump?
How do socialists rationalize this?
This WWII bunker had a fake air vent designed to send grenades back to the enemy
New Tac Map for Verdansk
Pork belly burnt ends - unbelievably good, and so so easy
Mercedes Puts Humanoid Robots To Work At Berlin Production Site - The robots are being used to perform repetitive tasks and initial quality checks
Capitalism Done Wrong = Making Decisions Against Your Own Self-Interest
Which figure from "the other side" did the best job of criticizing the worst aspects of the worst version of "their" side?
US Individual Income Distribution (2024)
How do middle-class earners stay ahead when cost of living keeps rising?
Very simple question - How do you prevent oligopolies?
Late-Stage Capitalism
Why is NOT supporting Palestine considered "right wing" or even "far right"?..
Feeling the crush of a middle class income.
How You Think Capitalism Happens Aint
The 6 Tenets of Socialism
Massive W if its real.
€200K Sitting in Cash at 33—Why Do I Keep Hesitating to Invest?
If i am late to investing with only a 15 year timeline for retirement… is this a good year to maximize my 401k? Like drop 30k into target and index funds?
33M composer, she left me. Found a recording studio with a shower and loft.