For anyone planning their living expenses, you might want to look at what is going on with electricity plans right now...
Warren Buffett received a $740 million dividend payment from Coca-Cola (KO)
Finally got around to framing my CFA certificate. This thing is comically huge.
What is your go-to potluck item, that you know everyone will be obsessed with ?
Still in love with my Sub
I got the call! This is a dream come true.
Travis County COVID-19 confirmed cases have risen to 4,109. Death count has remained at 99. Here is a visualization of what we know so far. (OC - Updated 06/10)
[Omega] There are many like this, but this is mine.
I just read this Rehoboam's mirror world theory and my first thought was: This god damn logo was made that way for a reason. Even HBO logo follows the same "mirrored" pattern. I can't be a coincidence.
GIVEAWAY! We're giving away 20 sets of our Martini Glasses as seen in S3/E3
How to address a charter holder in the opening of a letter?
Our flf looks different than the ones we see here. Do we cut away all these stalks? We've had it for 9mo and are hoping for it to grow taller.
Engagement ring box I made. Can’t wait to show her!
Official Q&A for Friday, March 22, 2019
Just got my L2 digital badge by email this morning
r/CFA equity fund - who's interested in being an analyst?
Passed L3 this year. My fiance was excited as me and got me this hilarious and amazing gift to celebrate.
CFA Journey Complete
This time tomorrow...
3 years old vs. new
Results Day
Why do stocks return ~10% annually when GDP grows less than 3% and the average profit-to-market-cap ratio is stable at steady state?
Let's Give it Up for the Real Heroes
just bombed a Schweser AM mock. the pain is real
Level 3 weekend check in