First movie you think of when you see Robin Williams
Need Solitaire App Suggestions
i drew faith (again)
Tier List: what’s next? (See disclaimer)
For those who have read Blood Meridian...
What's an underrated pizza topping?
Does anyone here like me just not watch anime anymore and instead read just seinen? If so can you guys give some hidden gem recommendations please?
What's the best audiobook you've ever listened to?
Anyone else not obsessed with board games
IWTL how to be less childlish and more mature
Poker Type Games
Tips on Focusing
What Blood Meridian scenes do you think will be cut from the film?
Something’s not right in the Wild West
If you had to live inside a video game for a year, which one would you pick?
Just finished my first McCarthy! Which should I read next?
Some [digital] collages made for singles I've released
Any card deck games
I'm looking for a podcast that covers subjects like cryptids, aliens, demons, etc but is genuinely disturbing to listen to
If you could only recommend one single podcast for others to listen to, what would it be?
I have been playing real-time variants of different card games.
Redditors born before 2001, where were you on 9/11?
I have no idea what I’m doing
Who do you think is who in this depiction of the massacre from Chapter 12?
What’s the most fucked up anime you’ve ever seen? (horror, or just plain fucked up)