Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, and Jim Carrey aren't funny; they just scream.
Feeling down after graduating with a bachelors in African American women studies.
What language is the most difficult to learn ?
S17E11: Why do the girls think Suzie is the "frontrunner" when Sam and Onya are right there?
How do costume designers find the clothes ?
[Serious] What's up with the Karla hype ?
I wish that someone would just love me.
Non 3 Michelin Star Restaurants You Feel Are Worthy of 3 Stars?
I wish to be the most succesful human ever
I wish that all currently living humans become immortal and in perfect health and stop aging at 25, and for all people older to become 25 again while also gaining the ability to gain energy from light.
I wish that rain is nutritious and full of vitamins
I wish spiders had wings.
I’m literally attached to this robot
What is your perfect amount of time in the shower?
Explaining “what you do” to others
Crystal Envy’s unaired “Black & White Ball” look⚪️⚫️
Helping kids financially with college doesn’t help them
If you had a quick hookup with a guy, how long before you'd forget his face?
What improved your quality of life so much, you wish you did it sooner?
Every job pays $250,000 a year for full time employment. What job do you take?
Work from Home - Less Productivity
Lindsay’s choice about not living with child’s father…
The past two acting challenges be like
ITAW for or ITAP for when your hatred or disappointment toward something pushes you into making something better?
Why are so many gay men so proud of being promiscuous?