Fårikål sesongen er endelig her. Da vil jeg presentere; Fårikål-iskrem
Kunne ikke bestemme meg over kebab eller pølse til middag, så jeg kombinerte begge. Kjære medborgere ta godt imot : Bislett kebab pølse
Søppeltaxi for sofa i Oslo?
Libs: Trump can't just annex other countries. Also libs:
The Greater European Union
Har kjøpt peanøttis
Elon retweets "Hitler didn't murder millions."
USA har offisielt fått ny president
ECHR rules Ukraine failed to prevent, investigate violence in Odesa in 2014
RU POV: The court of European Convention on Human Rights find Ukraine guilty of aiding and abetting the massacre of anti Maidan representatives in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 2, 2014
Hvordan er kvelden deres?
Hvorfor skal kommunene finansiere grunnleggende tjenester for sine innbyggere?
Dømt for vold og trusler etter at han stoppet sønnens mobbere
Alrighty then
The second winter is here
If you could time travel but only observe (not interact), where and when would you go?
Anyone ever try whale?
Reddit’s automatic moderation tool is flagging the word ‘Luigi’ as potentially violent — even in a Nintendo context
Since when can you get North Korea?
Hvilke by/område hadde du gitt til Potin?
UA POV: Trump declares that because Russia is absolutely pounding Ukraine on the battlefield right now, he is considering levying large scale sanctions and tariffs on Russia. He urges both sides to get to the table - Trump
Absolutely incredible
Israeli TikTok Trend Mocks Suffering of Palestinian children
Norge gir 85 milliarder til Ukraina
A Real Gentleman