When you're 5 minutes into the new video and the screen cuts to "This video is unavailable"
Justice for toeslurper3000
The Gregolatiuon is OVER
I Bamboozled Danny like he does to us in the new vid
If you subscribe but don't turn on post notifications, are you Potentially Greg instead of Truly Greg or are you just "Gr" (the "eg" can only be acquired by clicking the bell icon)?
i built dannys old setup in minecraft
Danny Gonzalez Minecraft Animation
I made this art of Danny thought this might be the best place to share it!
You Danny’d in the Wrong Gonzalez
I streamed «My Dad is Rich» on one of Norway’s tallest mountains
Latest video has caused multiple seizures! Please ask Danny to put in a warning for the "VSCO Disco" portion, I've seen multiple comments from epileptic people about how they had seizures from it.
Mmmm, tasty La Croix!!!
Post Your Vids Here For The Next "Reacting To Your Videos"
Danny are you okay
I found the contact info for "Waiting by the Phone" on the Fred and Angi show page... Did Danny not look hard enough?
Unpopular Opinion (Is that a thing?): Danny should have stuck with stand up
It's okay guys, she rode away on a moped.
When you and your roommate get each other the same gift #weareTRULYgreg
Hello Greg I am Danny Gonzalez please ask me anything!
[BIG ANNOUNCEMENT] Danny will be doing an AMA on this subreddit this Thursday (the 21st) @ 2:00pm(central time). Read the post for more information.
I did some faux album art for BUMP THIS! [shieldsparkle on Twitter!]
A club at my school is having a fundraiser where people can pay $1 to play any song through these huge speakers on the quad. Someone paid $1 for this.
just got this email about the phoenix show. thought i’d share in case some people haven’t seen it since none of the guys have posted about it 😬
Question about VIP tickets for the tour