just passing through [fuji xt2, 35mm]
pov: you are exploring (oc)
Film is hard to get, so I tested my new Olympus Pen EE-2 (Half-frame, fixed focus 28mm f/3.5) with some old Kodak Gold II 200 that expired in 1994
Is my lens radioactive now? Portra 400 pushed to 69000
Shower Time. [HP5 + Canon Eos k2000 + 50mm 1.8]
a spooky tale of forgetting film in a hot car | minolta xg-1 | kodak 400tx
found this for $5 at an estate sale! should he go into a new pot (how even)? is the yellowness toward the base concerning?
anyone know what kind of film is used for these pics?
forgotten projector room, self portrait | minolta xg-1
abandoned NY hospital, the most damaged wing. [OC]
dreamy ceiling in a not-so-dreamy place. (OC)(MA)
Abandoned dry cleaners with clothes left behind
(OC) Abandoned Freihofer's Car [5252 × 3712]
Here comes the ☀️
discreet doodles/signatures that don’t cause damage are fun to find. this was the inside of a stage door behind a church’s giant balcony organ.
I was hooking up new grow lights and LOOK WHO I FOUND HAD A BABY! My whale fin sansevieria must enjoy her home after all. 🥰
bottoms…up? (OC)
red poster down this hallway looks like a glitch in the matrix. (NY)(OC)
sneaking into a recently abandoned prison was the ultimate adventure. [OC]
Abandoned Medical Research Lab with a Creepy Doll
the mysterious snowcat left behind at an abandoned ski resort in NY. practically untouched!
(Screenshot from Google earth) this house in Avenida Sete De Setembro in Salvador Brazil is my favorite one. Just stunning
broken glass shards look like mountains. military barracks in ny. (OC)
finally got to see this place in NY, wishing i could have seen it five years ago. (OC)
Only house I could afford in this crazy market, it’s a “fixer upper”