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I'm looking for books with the main characters' name being Cassie, Kassy, Cassandra, Kahzandrah, or another variation of the name Cassandra.
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Whose library actually uses “book replacement” money to replace the book?
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What are some current or recently finished book series that are popular with young adult readers?
What do you use “want to read” for?
Bücher für 10 jähriges Mädchen
Books like The Folk Of The Air series?
Neues buchlayout der drei ???
is it okay to do crafts in the library?
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Helft mir dabei, "Übergangsbücher" zu finden.
Tipps für Booktracking
Moving on from blaming Kobo to the Publishers
Warum habt ihr euch für diese Ausbildung entschieden?
Könntet ihr euren Job ohne Strom ausführen?
These violent delights or foul lady fortune? (no spoilers)
Is it tacky to send out a wishlist for a birthday?
Romantasy mit einer Queeren Heldin gesucht.
NetGalley Reader
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