Tiktok is such a terrible app man,look at the number of likes.
Please tell me that's fake.
I need to apologize to my professor and I want to do it in her native language so that she knows I'm truly sorry
And then tomorrow, I can tell you what a great boss you turned out to be
Весна. Монстры проснулись.
Как не кончать быстро?
Different ways to say "Oh, give me a break" in Russian?
Какое НКВД опять
"Objectifying women"
My Russian Teacher bought me this mug for my last day
Soviet era phrase “receiving the napkin”?
Misandry is in quotes because it's not real
Please suggest best garage for mg hs in dubai
Learn Russian language
"Men lying to a sexual partner should be rape"... seemingly only for men though
И правда
Are "храбрость", "мужество", "отвага", and "смелость" all exact synonyms? Is there any nuance between them?
Femcel takes pride in driving 4 men to suicide and thinks men should be sent to the gulag:
Hijab cures anorexia
He is Russian
Common Russian expressions
Are the majority of Arabic speakers in Israel “Muslims”?