Crush has a MASSIVE dick and I'm scared
I have a last minute Planner interview. HELP
Methacholine challenge came back negative.
Looking to move to WA from PA
Is it valid for nannie’s to feel off put by parents not offering to feed us?
High salt and soda intake
Any signs of abuse?
La Grande was a mismatch for me and I'm feeling homesick.
Oregon ballot measure 114
Same sex experiences
H.B. 322 passed both houses.
Where is Mama Doctor Jones?
How to respond to a rejection email
Can my baby’s father legally request a paternity test if I don’t tell him the baby is his?
Please tell me I'm not the red flag
N hanging out with 13 year olds
where do you guys think the nelson’s stand among family vloggers?
Not even in the news yet so…
Most wholesome Nelson kid?
Has anyone gotten this letter before?
Important information that the Oregon subreddit keeps deleting for no reason.
Important info for those in La Pine
Just a heads up, block Casey Anthonys acount on TikTok