Which champion has the Best waveclear on every lane?
Alpha Legend Skin
What Jungler to pick against Heavy CC Comp?
Mystery Shop Price Pool
Mediamarkt Betrug?
Wozu dient diese Regelung?
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 50 The Great Dark Beyond Pre-Purchase Bundles!
Show me this stats, I guess your rank.
Signature doesn’t have increased dust cost?
How can I join the Star Wars event from Germany? VPN didn’t work.
Any news that this skin will be released?
Skin thematic for Irelia's legendary skin?
2nd choice champ when irelia is banned
Is this flow too strong? How do I decrease it more if so? Already stuffed in coarse sponge.
When the update is from 07:00 till 13:00
is this tank good for a betta? It’s a 9.6 gallon, and i lowered the water level
Name suggestions for my new guy?
Zinnervale Queue a few minutes ago @ 11AM CET. If you're gonna queue in one hour after I post this, don't bother guys.
Why is my queue 4,000 long at midnight on a Monday… Oceania is this you?
So i guess im gonna play tomorrow... sitting in 19k queue
Ihr wacht auf und Russland ist in die Ukraine einmarschiert. Was macht ihr?
Is this a boy or girl?
Has anyone ever seen the broomstick skin for the spear ingame?
Lets collect all Otp/main names yall have.