What do you want to teach your children ?
What do y’all think about washing chicken before cooking it ?
What is one underrated song that you wish was appreciated more?
I keep getting sacked
Just Fuckin myself for a cute woman
What is the name of the best restaurant in your hometown?
People of Reddit what is something a stranger told you that you will never forget?
what’s the worst ,best paying job?
What are the best oldies songs you know ?
What’s your most random turn on?
You’re about to die and you can only listen to one more song. Which one is it ?
Vape policy from manila to london
You have the opportunity to step into a time portal that sends you to the future or the past without ever returning to the present. Where are you going ?
A sub Reddit to make friends in Manila , Philippines ?
Can you imagine a world where we’re born as old as our bodies can take and live our whole lives getting younger until we turn into a sperm cell ?
When did you realize you were old?
What is your weird fetish?
If someone woke from a 10 year coma and asked what's going on, how would you reply?
How did you make it out the hood ?
Are you happier than you were 5 years ago? What would make you happier now?
Where is the most breath-taking place you’ve ever visited?
For those that cheated on their significant other , why did you do it, no judgement ?
How often do y’all fake orgasms ? Why couldn’t you finish ?
For those with mental/behavioral issues , how hard is it being in a relationship ?
What to do when your PS4 turns on and off within seconds?