Wrong answers only
The Bends turns 30!!!🥳🥳🥳 which is your fav song from this album
My university magazine referenced Animal Collective
Most fun club?
Just found out NMH has over (the sea) 1,000,000 Spotify listeners...
Rate my songs I consider perfect
E.S King
Looked up Ariel Pink vinyl on eBay and sellers are pretty close to just giving it away for free at this point
afut my hidden gem 🙏
Guitar Loaning???
Absolute freaky
Dunedin Sound scene
Don’t worry we know
Hey guys whats fucking band is this?
Average indieheadscirclejerk post
Weird circle that snow won’t stick to in the middle of the road.
Can we get a sad music thread going here ? I need to feel some novel sadness.
What band is this?
brand new image
Anyone taken ECE 331, looking for feedback on the teachers
Study music
My friends, I found one!
r/AskOuija’s favorite band is…
You think that they just asked that thing to do that? Also what the hell is that thing? Help?