US : it’s time.
A bappening for the ages!
Cheeky little guy letting the gonads breathe
Silly Hats: Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
Schumer Chickens Out of Pratt Visit
Today Moo Deng become picky. She does not eat mixed fruit
Bras and fibromyalgia
This man wants to fuck our shit up
Toledo: Vivek wants to rename Lake Erie to Lake Ohio
I have an Abcess the size of a grape near my anus and I'm scared to get it drained.
OP not happy that people don't believe them
He’s been in the clink known as life for 2.5 weeks
That’s it pal, we’re going downtown!
*lion king music plays*
Milwaukee mother deported to Laos, a country she has never been to
AITA for Having Sex with a Drunk Woman?
do not the Moo Deng
That awkward moment when you get exactly what you voted for.: “You are the DUMBEST smart person I have ever met”
They can make-believe that a Blockbuster is a “Panera” all they want, but I’m not gonna enable this crap.
Got my baby a baby 🩷
If you need to quench your thirst but don't want to support an American brand at the moment consider arming yourself with a Queensland hand grenade.
Illegally tiny hiss, 2 days old ❤️ Mama and 3 void babies rescued from being surrendered to the shelter! Mama loves to show off her babies and bring them to me.
My cat had kittens a week ago and I made a livestream of the babies
Skippy doesn't know he grew up. He thinks he's still a baby.
USA : If Trump declares martial law, we HAVE TO PROTEST it