The controversial Greenlee Smythe trading card that was banned by ABC for being too inappropriate
If you could get 1 OLTL and AMC spinoff series what would they be about?
How many of you have Family/Friends who share names with Soap Opera characters?
Was i the only one who said "Tee" (like the beverage) Delgado instead of "Tay-Uh" Delgado growing up or was it only me?
Am i the only one who wanted her to become a Sailor Scout?
The way the middle was meant to be watched
If cash for clunkers took place today, what kinds of cars would be sent to the crusher in large numbers?
Day 6- constantly sabotages everyone in the Llanview escape room
ABC Daytime needs to do this ASAP. BTG is beating GH in the ratings and it is doing better than The Talk ever did
Like when you must save the city at 7:45pm but you have a date with your bf at 8:00pm
How would you pronounce 'Asa'. and why?
Day 5- who’s really confused in the Llanview Escape Room?
Day 4- in an escape room who tries to kick the door open
General Hospital Fake Tweets/Texts
Day 3- Offers Moral Support (while in an escape room)
What the F is wrong with people
New game! Characters in an escape room- Does All the Work
On This Day: 'One Life to Live' in 1997, Florencia Lozano debuted as Téa Delgado.
On This Day: On 'One Life to Live' in 2001, Adam Chandler (AMC) came to Llanview to see Skye.
I wish Luke Spencer/Anthony Geary...
The rumor mill that somehow circulated in every 90's middle school despite no internet StarterPack
Opposites attract friendships in soaps?
Sam is (was) a Millennial!? since when!? I totally thought she was Gen X! (and born in like the late 60s early 70s)
I never realized that there was a 18 year age difference between James Mitchell and David Canary until now. I legit thought David Canary was born in the 1920s and that Brooke was like 25 years younger Julia Barr is only 7 years younger
What did i just find on TVtropes!?