acid and weed?
Got a bunch of slightly used fitteds trying to get rid of
Hat losing its stretch a couple days after using a hat jack
ever-expanding indians/guardians collection. i gotta stop buying hats.
FOTD - 1969 NY Mets
No caption needed
99 Elias Diaz incoming
First ever fitted. Thoughts?
make the comment section look like his search history
Daily Song Discussion #39: Wild’n Cuz I’m Young
was practicing my sampling skills, put the barry bonds verse over it for fun and it sounded cool honestly
who was it for yall
What is your favourite album that is not a Kanye album
Big BLack dick
I know this is the second time today but can Reddit save me again. Which one?
W: Mother Witch H: Mega Knight, Night Witch, Ice Wizard, Magic archer, Bandit, Log, Royal ghost, Inferno Dragon, E Wiz, Sparky, LumberJack, Graveyard, and Princess
What do you guys think about my deck? I’m arena 13
Have: Log, Miner, Princess, Sparky, Ice wiz. Want: Ewiz
W Mother witch H all apart from bandit ice wizard and ram
big hol up
GIVEAWAY! I’m giving away four Buster Posey Finest sticker cards. Just comment which card has the most AB’s for you in this year’s game to enter. I’ll randomly select four winners on Nov. 14 at 8 EST. 🤝
You have to name your dick/vagina after the title of the last tv show/movie you watched. What is it?
Theme Team Spreadsheet - Updated 10/14