LF: (All Shiny) Aqua Breed Tauros, Unowns
LF: Shiny Tauros (Aqua Breed)
LF: Shiny Aqua Breed Tauros
You are creating a Pokémon Time Capsule...
LF: Shiny Aqua Breed Tauros (Open for offers)
LF: Shiny Unown
LF: Shiny Blaze and Aqua Breed Tauros. Open for offers.
LF: POGO White Striped Basculin
LF: POGO White-Striped Basculin
LF: PoGO Wiglett and Stonjourner. Open for offers.
I have a ton of Pokemon Go Skiddo to give away
Visiting Bacolod this weekend.
FT: Shinies. LF: Aqua and Blaze Breed Tauros, Omastar, Hypno (F), Doduo (M). Open for offers.
LF: Male Doduo, Aqua and Blaze Breed Tauros, open for offers.
Flying type Eeveelution got scrapped in SM
Sinnoh Locations in Pokemon Legends: Arceus
Target locked sa pandesal.
Sits politely
LF: Steenee Codes (Worlds)
No Honedge
What Pokemon would scare you the most as a child?
Help me complete my Kanto ShinyDex. Trading the mons below, LF on the last pic (Open for offers)
What is the worst shiny looking Pokémon?
Am I the only one who thinks Miraidon looks the coolest in Stellar Tera?