You walk in on your favorite character as they were changing. What do you do?
Roses are red, my friend listens to Britney Spears
I know this is some losercity shit but I’m posting it here because I want attention
Thornton is savage
Coaxed into my fault, apparently
I too am in this juice
Original comic of "I am very intelligent", by Universal Uclick
average losercity username
Seriously is Zombie Their Version of the N Word or Something?
I've come to make an announcement
My first juice
Coaxed into cutscenes
All right, time for my two cents on the "what ethnicity would the ninja be in the real world?" Discussion
how screwed are they?
(They made the same joke last week)
This subreddit is just pure comedy sometimes
Clammy assumption
What are your interpretations?
This fandom has some fucking stupid double standards when it comes to "she who shall not be criticized in any way"
I'm surprised Sega never thought of giving Amy safety shorts in canon. (By HeroOfHeartJillArt on DeviantArt)
Where would you
I was told to post this as a separate post
Favorite character that would LOVE Weird Al.