F15 driver side window jet not spraying strong?
Air Optix plus Hydraglyde package looks different 6 months apart. Did anything change??? Top one is recently purchased
2018 X5 N55, 45k miles just purchased. Motor varnished. Has some buildup on inner valve cover and was kind of milky on the cap. Thoughts?
F15 X5 fan speed button loose. Anyway to fix?
Explanation on NAC anhedonia?
How do I go about disabling EDC? My struts have been shot for 5 months and I don’t want to spend $2k on shocks for a 10 year old car
My mom got T-boned last year & won $150k from the lawsuit. Her and my father are worried about losing their Medicaid benefits. They both make around $40k a year. Based in MI. Any help?
Did a DNA test recently, parents are from Malësia. Can someone explain why it would say Brazil?
How long has your n55 lasted?
Looking at buying this 2011 335i guy said the only issues is this whistling noise, and knocking sounds what do y’all think??
Starting nursing school next week & having second thoughts… I need help
2013 BMW750... This happen as I was trying to speed into the highway... Now the car shakes like a tractor when idling and at times it runs smooth. I am stuck in Baltimore 😭 please help anyone
Camera glitches when I activate them. 2013 335i F30. Any ideas???
Red Hot..Meaning she's Unroastable
2011 bmw 328i with oil spotting problem, where should I begin to repair?
340i vs 335i
Spark plug options on Stage 1 MHD!
Any benefits of getting a ceramic coated downpipe as opposed to non-coated?
Anyone know the wheel style?
Thinking of buying a 2014-16 335i
Unfortunately, this will be my last post here :( Selling my baby next week and I got a 2017 Lexus RC 350 F sport.
2015 335iX Coolant Leak Diagnosis
N55 makes this noise, coming from passenger side of the engine (turbo side). No noticeable performance issues, no CEL and disappeared when i restarted engine. What could this humming noise be? This is the 2nd time i heard this noise occur.
BMW N55 rattle, maybe just the direct injection? Noise started yesterday. Any thoughts/advice. Hoping to trouble shoot without ripping the engine apart.