Sta treba da se desi da se roditelji urazume?
Plot hole that I cannot seem to ignore
Periodic Table in the flashback
Were Janet and Mr Martin the first ghosts?
There're so many fun connections to notice on rewatch. Today's: Yuri & Charlie, going back to s1e4-
What story are you going to play first this update???
“That's child abuse” on a kid cycling
Body of a murdered teenage girl is found in an out of the way area; Inside her wallet, mysterious "Interpersonal Connection" buisness cards are found, and her last sighting happened at a motel- who was the Jefferson Parish Jane Doe? (1979)
“No Positive Leads”: The Tragic Vanishing of the Springfield Three (Mysterious Missouri #6; The Springfield Three #1)
Mina ga docekala na keca i izuseravala
Đukina trilogija današnje ankete
They probably think US racial issues are universal.
WikiLeaks - izveštaji ambasadora Muntera o Srbiji
Radnici RTS-a su uz studente
"The British mind couldn't comprehend the tastes of American food"
A 15-year-old girl was returning home from a birthday party late at night. According to her friends she fell from a bridge but neither could tell a consistent story and in the years since, many independent witnesses would report seeing her in foreign countries.
Top 3 stories
Costume department doing too much
Only black people can write about slavery
Sad se već igraju sa životima
Opinions on The Missing
NEW episodes discussion: And the Haze Will Take Us - Season 2, Ep 1-2-3
We don’t sit to enjoy drinks
Vučić otkrio da u SNS postoji grupa najvernijih „lojalista“: Sastaju se u crkvi, zaklinju na krv, a član je predsednikov brat
“Italian herbs and cheeses!”