My contribute to the weird hand post
BFDIYA (battle for dream island yet again)
If I made a game about my alternate aethos universe would yall play it?
Say hi to Jefferson (Alternate Jerry who is actually cool and stuff)
It'sa Luis time!
SML Movie: Marvin's Brother!
SML Movie: Cody's Birthday Wish!
SML Would You Rather?
SML's Worst Video
im a fucking idiot
[Discussion Thread] SML Movie: Junior’s Big Playtime 5
I’m gonna say this I don’t think we are gonna get dlc based on the old stretch goals
I did it with Brooklyn Guy
SML characters I’ve drawn
Junior's big playtime
Why is Anton's legs so thin that they barely look like they're barely supporting his body, yet Annie's legs are nice and thick and look like they could actually hold her body up? Is there like a lore reason?
Me seeing aww shucks for the 19000067890000234000050006789th time
Which version of Junior y’all like better
How do you think Peppino would look if he got powered up by Anton's spirits
Ngl that other one pissed me off lowk, i had to present my own unsolicited opinion
Munchkin Marvin
i need help with SML mod about Cody from SML. we need a build handler and charters/composers
Now Timmy won, this is the last one, who is a horrible person but hated by fans
I redesigned an old character of mine.