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Nový začiatok: Kam by ste sa presťahovali vo veku 30 rokov?
Vesmír je fascinujúci
ako ich voláte?
Móda ze Zalanda
Everyone excited for season 3 ? All i want to know how they got back into the Borderland once again , anyone got any theory ?
Season 3 Teaser with subtitles (official)
Why are Mira and Kyuma popular?
Rodičia, ktoré aktivity s deťmi reálne bavia aj vás?
The most traumatising and heartbreaking episodes in all of Black Mirror(my opinion)
Stretli ste sa so xenofóbiou v Českej republike?
Jaký je váš nejoblíbenější film?
What are some foreshadowing or easter eggs you noticed?
Aktivity pre single cloveka
Tlste prsty abo co?!
what’s the worst way s3 could end?
Is anyone not really excited for season 3?
Poster for the final season
Why many Alice in Borderland fans hate squid game?
Fanúšikovia Harryho Pottera
Taissa's alter ego
Netflix just posted a trailer for 2025 and it referenced Alice in borderlands 👀
So basically you can beat Mira using love
Mira question