Just got surgery yesterday, I am so happy but why tf did has no one talked about the pain!?
Call me crazy but I believe Stacy when she said she didn’t pay TJ
FBI Exempted Positions: Anybody else received this email for Non SA positions?
I think I need this 😍
Considering GLP1s After Weight Gain…thoughts?
Is it time for us to join forces with Swifties?
Expectation Vs Reality
What weight were you when you got your gastric sleeve? And do you regret it?
Straws!! 😩
Semaglutide and antidepressants
Really Gia?……….
Braids and dreadlocks on federal jobs
Does anyone know what this bag is called?
She’s here!!!
Help me choose a dress!
Gias disrespect is absolutely insane.
Winter and TikTok/the internet
I will NEVER cease to cackle every time I see this moment somewhere!!!
Monique says she “Doesn’t receive alimony or child support.”
Keep it Light: Why Winter and Chy Should Stick to Fun Topics
Best place for resale?
Chy and Winter “Arguing”
What did you guys purchase?