Update to manipulative partner: told me tonight that i am orchestrating the abuse against me because i was emancipated as a minor
Traditions similar to mantra meditation? Chanting techniques in Judaism/Kabbalah?
Just came home from a motorcycle ride to a house with no girlfriend in it :(
getting rid of a reddit guy
Tonight was my first solo art exhibition- my parents have munchausen’s byproxy
Found my grail
Etiquette for my first solo opening
Japan is living in 2050
United States
BEC Interference Simulation in Python with a Vortex at the center initially
Where was I in July 2022
Contacting galleries/ curators for studio visits, is their a way to do by this/can this be done without it violating socially acceptable Artist conduct?
Archival Projects
What artist do you find annoying?
How to check for/remove malware on refurbished MBP/quality check?
Mixing/mastering tips for playback in concrete and glass warehouse with subsections
I would be amazed if you get this correctly
When Charli Was Thinking of Dropping XCX From Her Name When She Was Getting Pressured by Atlantic, A.G. Cook Told Her to Double Down On It
What are these two saudi arabian dream cars? Toyota made land cruiser trucks?
What sayings do you have to logic yourself out of freeze and let yourself succeed/stop self abandonment?
What is your secret sauce to add cohesion on ambient sound collage pieces?