Amazon/“cheap” wigs?
Constant need to “fight” is overwhelming
I just bought a paid turner and stand and feel both ridiculous and super futuristic.
Update on Missing Cuddling
Chemo Nausea
A (not so small) part of me wants to cancel all upcoming treatment/consulting appointments and just live my normal life
Does anyone else experience post treatment depression?
What beauty treatments have you tried that made the biggest difference in the shortest time?
First time hair extensions which to buy??
Anyone else have some white noise going?
What's your I LIVE ALONE flex?
I hate it when I'm way over the speed limit and there's a line behind me
Grateful for this group
How do I stop feeling the urge to use the restroom while commuting?
Would rather live alone in a drab apartment than a nice house with someone else?
if you’re reading this, unclench your jaw
Suffering from a bad case of plantar fasciitis right now. If you’ve had it, what alleviated it for you?
This is 100% Reaver u can’t disagree
What is your favorite candy from your country? (US)
Off treatment after only 1 cycle; feel I’m losing critical time
Reading order
What do you guys have planned for the weekend?
💜💜 Bi-weekly check in: How’s everyone doing? Do you have any happy news, bad news or any news you’d like to share? 💜💜
Dishes to easily feed a crowd
Any similar shows that scratch a similar itch??