For those of you who have started over in your early 30s and have minimal family, how did you create your “chosen family”?
How much do you spend on yourself?
I found out my partner used to see escorts
Anybody else been single for longer than expected?
Divorced women- what is your biggest regret?
When did life get so expensive? How do you budget?
Single Women Living Alone: Home Security?
Divorced women of Reddit, when did you realise your marriage was officially over?
Is it normal not to miss your partner too much or at all?
Daily Thread / September 22
This is bad bad
Weekly Thread / September 18
Women who entered into long term relationship before their 20's and have been in relationship their whole twenties. How are you now? Do you feel like you missed out something?
Women of reddit, when and how did you realize that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with your S.O.?
Daily Thread / September 13
Are we starting to see more millenials getting divorced?
Women who used to have a large group of girl friends, what changed?
Daily Thread / September 11
How embarrassing 😳
Daily Thread / September 5
Single women without children, what do you enjoy most about life?
Daily Thread / August 31
How interesting does your partner’s life have to be? How many hobbies and friends does someone need to have to be attractive?
Daily Thread / August 30
Married Men, what are the unspoken rules for successful marriage?