what if the boys had their hands on a v’d up goose with superspeed, and enhanced durability that they can use to travel anywhere by grabbing onto the goose very tightly?
Do you think this man would unleash his full wrath on Homelander and The Boys?
Who is more forgivable?
Do you think Kessler can prevent cate from controlling Butcher's mind?
Why is Conquest not able to regenerate his arm but...
What happened after GiHun won in S1?
Conquest said he “was capable of so much more.” What do you think he means by that?
So... Can we talk about this?
I am struggling to understand how Mark could be …overpowered…by a certain character in the future given how strong he is now?
i think 456 doesnt know 001 is the frontman and he might find out in s3
Steven Yeun must feel so giddy after this. Bravo Kirkman
Butcher additional powers
What if
Can Homelander drown?
He needs therapy. I feel very bad for him... he went through so much.
Same vibe
So is he dead or..?
Is this guy gonna have to be the new recruiter? Whats his job anyway?
(Bad quality pic i cant be bothered) any dares for thanos gang vid? (I'll sent u ur clip privately and make a video with all them together) Also my yt account is in my profile for when the video is done guys :)
Which character least deserved their deaths
Which character is more evil
Who else noticed this guards mask in season 1?
Which character in the show was MOST improved compared to the comics?