How do fellow volume eaters feel about protein bars and shakes?
If aliens abducted you but immediately returned you, what do you think their reason was?
What is something that you absolutely know about yourself at this age?
How old were you when you got hip impingement surgery?
I wish this was a joke!
Suggestions from the other side of fai and labral tears
What is the most unbiased news in the USA? or does such a thing exist?
Adulthood feels like everyone got a 'secret menu' of life skills you missed. What’s one thing you later realized you were supposed to just know, but nobody actually taught you?
What I eat in a Day (Pescatarian)
Building Management's Response to Months of Mail theft
Getting back into working out
God this is disgusting
A brand new sealed pint of ice cream
AITA for not caring as much as my girlfriend that I gained weight?
Mental health checkup : How are you, REALLY ??
You say to yourself, "I will never do it again," but you do it again. What is this thing?
Regarding Token Integrity
went too hard 5 weeks post-op
Do they make braces for thin people?
Observations from yesterday's popular "Is there any food that you've learned you just can't have at home?" thread
Estimating Calories at Restaurants
Going out to eat with family
If it's so bad for me why's it feels so good
What is the hardest thing you’ve accomplished after a night of no sleep?