Who is your favorite CROSSOVER ship for: Tomura Shigaraki?
Who's a villain that could've caused a bigger shitshow if they had more screen time?
Who is your favorite CROSSOVER ship for: Shota Aizawa?
Let's Play A Game! Who do you ship ft: Nejire Hado
Let’s Play Ship Bingo! What Do You Think of KiriMina?
Let's Play A Game! Who do you ship ft: Fuyumi Todoroki
Exact moment your favorite anime hooked you?
Could invincible beat all for one
Who would you ship with yuoyorozu
What was the first anime you ever watched?
Who would you have the most trouble asking out on a first date?
Let's Play A Game! Who do you ship ft: Lady Nagant (Kaina Tsutsumi)
What anime is this for you?
What is Tsuyu pointing her gun at? (Wrong answers only)
Describe the latest Midas skin in a single word.
Let's hear those anime descriptions
Words of the lord
Some Memes and Cursed Images
What’s your opinion on this
Who is the sexiest woman in MHA?
Who is your all time favorite female character in MHA and why?
Is it weird to be attracted to Meowdas?
I couldn’t afford Juice World so…
The worst Coon cave ever
Who knew about the game since the beginning but didn’t play it till recently?