Montag wieder Rheiner Long?
Meine Idee für Montag
Findet ihr Rheinmetall noch lohnenswert
Warum hassen die Amis Netflix so sehr?
Wo kann man am Besten News fürs Trading verfolgen?
Durch Fomo komplett gebumst
Ok. Fiq die Fetten
Apple Short nicht verkaufbar?!?
Bundeswehr Mittag😍 4,13€
Was sind das für weiße Stellen?
Fun with the boys.
Greek Grandparents Gift
Bad meme cuz im sad
What do you do when you get in a pool and the water gets out of the pool?
Recently found these and damn! [Adidas Hyperturf]
Dogs better dressed than me
little walk in the beaters :)
Spongebob GorpPants
Don't spam guys, have fun!
been put of the game for a while, any chance these are real? Stockx price surprised me
Cheaper alternetive to this Jacket (for cold weather) ?
luxury (?) quality w/o the brand
False alarm in my ass