Would you pay $700 for this?
They’re talking about being outed and Grace Lily busts out in the middle of the conversation saying “I’ve scissored as a woman” she’s reality TV gold!
Absolutely love Molly and her outlook on these men in Charleston. It’s nice to see the girls laugh about it. I hope they listen to their own advice
Jennifer’s the comic relief we needed this season.The Mr. Bill reference sent me.She needs her candy
I don’t know who Jasmine’s talking to here but I’m loving her vibe. Straight into the point. I think both her and Zach are full-time cast members this season. They’re both hysterical!
The last thing you ate will be he’s name
I won't the raffle at our local medical cannabis market!
Barack Obama has such a wonderful smile
My pride and joy
the last thing you smelled will be her name
Grace Lilly working on a fashion line OGL that’s burning man Festival fashion. WTF is this for real? Or is this just another delusion?
What about me? Britani backstage watching. I have an announcement l should be on stage😂
Paige goes after Kyle for calling her too faced. I’ve never seen her this mad, it’s about time someone stands up Kyle, good job Paige👏
Never thought ordering flamingos as an option. Love Craig getting so excited to see the flamingos🦩
Grace Lily is so self-absorbed,she doesn’t give AF.Throws her best friend under the bus.“l just wanted some dick, bitch“great line. let the shitshow begin
What does Natalie do to support herself? Date Josh?
Jesse truly post
Erica was funny this episode”I don’t want any of this I just wanna hotdog“taking the guys hot dog😂
Love Paige saying “you’re lucky l don’t buy loverboy and fucking sell it. Fuck you”🎤drop
Good luck keeping Elon away from the SS
What is ruining your mental health?
I’m sorry all but I’m a Dorit lover ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
can u recommend a name? he changed my life
Shep got so drunk he ended up sleeping on a beach chair by a pool. WTF 🚩slow down on the drinking!