“I don’t even understand 24-hour time… I just don’t understand it. I have to use online converters or I’d be SO confused when I talk to people who use these systems.”
gold stake feels like pain
TIL about the Dionne quintuplets, the first know quintuplets to survive their infancy. At age 5, the Canadian government made them wards of the Crown. During this time they became a profitable tourist attraction. As adults, they sued the Canadian govt for exploitation, eventually settling for $4m.
Bought a co-op in NYC, $745k at 6.125%
“In Boston we are Irish”
Just how pathetic can one person be? 26M
Is this representative of Gen Z?
Most accurate take I’ve seen yet. Why is everything looking like the pixies from fairly odd parents took over? (May not open if you don’t have the app btw)
2020s has the most boring chart music compared to other decades that had better chart music
Looking for a job, no vehicle but I run fast
Lorne Michaels Isn’t Ready to Leave ‘Saturday Night Live’ Quite Yet: ‘I Don’t Feel I’m Done’
Prop 414 Will make Tucson the highest taxed city in Arizona.
We all hate the Eagles. So uh, there will be no more Eagles posts.
Best place for rare succulents and rare tropicals?
Farmers on the Subway. 6 AM, China
What species is The Cheat?
MMW: Even if there aren't any amendments to the Constitution that allows for a 3rd term, some states will still try to put Donald on the ballot
Get it in your head that your 20's is not old.
Winston Churchill on his 69th birthday with FDR and Stalin
How many felonies do we witness?
That neighbor who just won't stop talking to you every time you leave your house...
Those neighbors who just won't leave you alone..
That was quick
Is it possible to beat the game (in theory) on the first run?
Can a 12-year age gap relationship among a Gen Z & Millennial work?