If you want gifts from Poland! I'm hereee
Yogurt Bottle Oysters
Monster Can Mushrooms
looking for friends I'm from Australia
Add me for daily gifts from France, aiming to be best friends : 2266 2214 6023
Need to add new friends.
5 of the biggest stars to u/hayyyk!!! I recieved this beautiful begonia as well as a couple extras!! Everything was packaged perfectly and made it here in record time! A+++ first trade!!!
5 Stars for u/Iluvdemkitties! All came in great condition, added extra bonus cuttings & super helpful mentor for learning to trade/ship plants! (:
What is this? Did you get it too..?
Help - Issues Understanding Prism Rx
Great Love and Friendship!
The Satanic Temple interrupts a Planned Parenthood protest in Detroit
My God! My FB feed came thru like a BOSS today... Too bad, too. The girl it's on is SO pretty. (Trust me.)
Biting into a chicken bone from a Taco Bell wrap.
Does anyone else notice that several of the tops posts are all from the same user?
420 glaze it
"50 Reasons for Abuse Victims Choosing to Stay" by Prof. Sarah Buel, Herself a Victim.
MFW I'm at work as a cashier, and a larger lady takes soggy dollar bills out of her bra to pay with.
A succinct commentary on the fetus billboards.
Saw this on campus today [NSFW]
Hello infant, I am beluga whale!
This little guy got himself into a tight spot...
"shark in puberdy" aka the best picture i was ever given as an art teacher
Rape is bad.