What's the worst response to your girlfriend asking if she looks fat ?
Do not try this at home!
Post pet pics and I’ll draw
A 116-year-old Texan U.S. Civil War veteran on his deathbed with a cigar in his mouth, 1959.
If I go down on a girl would she be grossed out if I tried to kiss her afterwerds?
I spent all day crying over my ex husband's death
911 anonymity?
My best friend (14F) has a weird stepdad
If aliens landed on Earth with you as first and only contact and said, "Take us to your leader", who would that be?
is being woke good or bad?
Protest at the Mazzoli building
Is it safe to keep going after cumming inside the condom?
My husband beat me and I think it's my fault......
I got off to my boyfriend crying multiple times
How this worker throws mortar onto a wall
Congratulations America!
Girls, What's it like actually having boobs.
My Gf hangs out with her guy friend really late at night
Why is everyone being so weird about a Tornado Watch
What’s a childhood snack that disappeared but you still think about?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
i bent my dick back with pliers after struggling with peyronie’s disease for years
Wife found a hair tie that isn’t hers and I’m not cheating. How do I get through this?
[SERIOUS] Be honest, are you faithful? Why or why not?
I accidentally told my wife that "the spark has faded," and now I have no idea how to ask for forgiveness.