misprint name
Recreating the series’ best panel in blender
What is up with this mirror force?
Blue-Eyes White Destiny misprint deck
what do these icons mean? still don't know what these yellow icon on Magik and gold & silver pentagon icons mean on the player loading screen. Any help would be appreciated.
Centering literally could not have been worse
Black Luster Soldier Misprint/Error - 1st Edition - SYE-024 - Moderately Played
Are any of these 3 BEWDs worth anything?
Fake Accounts
Where is this Ken Currie art and can I buy a copy of this? also what is the name of it as I only saw it a couple of days ago.
Regarding Institutional Use
Gilbert Responds To The Latest Fud
Uhhh bros….?
Got my complete set of Gantz yesterday!
Other crypto projects which are focussing on regulatory compliancy?
Been actively collecting for a year now and I don't know what to read next
Amazing Find at my local Barnes today
In love with the bleach 20th anniversary spines😍
what are the chances?
Anyone know the shirt Garnt is wearing in in ep #48?
Ordering manga from Amazon is like playing Russian roulette
I calculated if u watched every trash taste converted to one piece(excluding specials)
today marks 1 year of collecting for me 🤝 first volumes I ever picked up were berserk deluxe 1 & dorohedoro vol 1
“Using digital currencies to unlock a continent”
I Invested $100 in Quant for 6 Months and this is what happened... (Updated)