Here we go again
Princess IKZ Levitating Doll
Just did my first nuke. Should I nuke Whitespring resort on a private server if I’m trying to farm high radiation fluids??
Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC Release Day Megathread - Claim your Limited Time Flair!
China dropped the nukes, and the show confirmed that.
Sea of Thieves will be out on PS5 on 30th April
Man I feel really stupid..
Please say what location you’re in if you go down
After hopping from steam to Xbox achievements I’m loving this system so much more. Number go up = me happy
Achievement struggles
I’m gonna be really sad if no more new maps come out
Rachel Talalay on the 13’s clothes changing during regeneration
We all know that Microsoft ended the Backwards Compatibility additions a couple years ago, but if they were to continue it/pick it up again, what games would you like to see?
Is this a Redback or nah?
At my local Coles seeking to purchase some AA batteries when I found myself grappling with the ‘should I buy the 30 batteries for $21 or trade up to the 24 batteries for $32.50 pack’… wait what?
Impressive agility.
Question to players who experienced game in 2014 and 2015
A Gastroenterology Professor performs endoscopy on herself as a demonstration!
Red Dead Reutlinger Watch Anomalous Behavior
Cuttin’ it a bit close.
My Saints Row Boss
What if
Got with game pass on the first day and finally found time to finish it off
Rockstar is getting right up there with EA and Ubisoft with how they treat their players. I’m sick of the corporate greed.