People are asking to see my before pic and not just my after pic after 6 stone loss so here it is.
Before and after pics
I've just got top partial dentures, I need advice.
Six stone down
I can't stop playin' with em!
Sore inside mouth and redness/red line leading to tonsils + feeling ill?
Not to be that person..
7.5mg or 10mg?
100 lbs down!
False kidnapping of Shannon Matthews.
My first post, -138lbs ☺️
Anyone know who this is meant to be?
Background music to the line of ambulances.
4 doses??
People with easy access / long term prescriptions to benzos… what country do you live in?
Affordable and reliable weight loss injection options?
What are your thoughts on weight loss injections?
Discount Codes and Links Megathread - January
Splitting 15mg dose of Mounjaro
Which line of his can u perfectly impersonate?
What, if anything, am I entitled to in my situation?
Except Tommy which Shelby family member did you love the most time?
My father died today.
What do you think of Jordan challenging Luke to a boxing match?