[Discussion] Anyone else getting only 14 hour timers from the cultist circle this wipe? Been running it non-stop for the past 2 weeks with >400k in value every time. Not sure what to do
Cultist circle. I put in 4 Defibs and 1 Moonshine and got this. [Loot]
Cyberpunk inspired main menu after 2nd prestige
Why are so many randoms refusing to buy armor and hoarding points
[Loot] 95K scav case.... cool...
Fatal mistake
Replacement parts not on website shipping
Quick soap dish for my sons shower. How well will PLA hold up?
Autoleveling off bed
tp-200 tnt brick
Free one shot M4!
Meta Quest 3 not working at all with Quest Link Cable to play PCVR
Today sucked
Need Someone with glorious mask
Someone snatched my saferoom exfil on interchange, and I went MIA because of it
The Goons
Weapon rack question
BSG quietly nerfed the scav loot table
The cheapest hard-hitting gun other than SVT&VPO is RFB - best for maps where you don't need a laser & presented with ammo salad for repetetive rip'ers
Npc scavs randomly killing player scavs?!?!
EU with Good Gear is actually unplayable
Is this how you normally spawn in as a scav now?
How do you unlock the tac30 at skier now ?
Killed a player scav..
Is raiding labs worth it rn?