whatdoes it smell like?!
Did Michael do this?
wait WHEN did this happen?!!🫨🤯
Guys, its Michael, not Micheal. Are you stupid?
mike's ascended to the sky (hopefully not heaven 😭) i KNEW it was dangerous for him to get sunlight 🤕🙄
I can't believe it's not Michael!
is michael stupid?!! they can't go near water or sunshine 😰
i’m sending michael a gift in the mail! do you think he’ll like it?
haiii :3 does any1 have any good emo songs/albums/bands that they reccomend?!
Charli XYZ is a fan 🥰
You got games on your phone?
gru cosplaying ahh🙄 /pos
got my bsf a little smth for her bday
Michael romance is after you… UNLESS, you say your favourite MY CHEM song!!
give me your favorite mcr LYRIC and i’ll give my honest impression on you
Is this a Michael Romance reference made by Kansas!?!
1 like and he gonna drink it
Ik this has been done a trillion times but which MCr song do I look like?
Do you have any dress or piece of clothing that resembles Helena's dress?
why is milkey sitting in a fountain😭 is he stoopid??
It warms my heart that Danger Days has so many fans that they make little monuments 🥰🥰 I like their interpretations of Michael !
What Gorillaz Lyric Really Speaks to You?
Favourite emo or emo adjacent track of the last 12 months?
Which song is it?