nah ts lowk funny
Funny comment
Which Is the most Iconic Kanye Photo?
Can y'all back me up plz lmao
Since we're getting a Punisher Presentation I'm praying Barracuda is the villain of it plus Bernthal wanted to fight him in his Netflix show
Stunning Ragnarok Photos
Henceforth, Grace Randolph is a banned source for leaks/rumours
so what's Ur streak
The fucking WOKE MOB strikes again smh my head
Fun Fact: GXK is the only movie (so far) where Godzilla hasn’t been in mortal danger
DC gave Batman a new logo, thoughts?
Justin Hartley's Green Arrow should have been in Crisis
Who are ur 3 or 5 go to characters
Crazy how literally nothing came from this picture
Who’s ready for an ass whooping
What went wrong
Kodak at the white house
Attention seeking gamerboy gets what he deserves
First look at Spider Gwen in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Name one bad horror film that would work well as a remake?
Fuck you Fans who hated and now again Support him
Tramell Tillman would be the perfect choice if they re cast Kang for the future
Governor Walz in Amsterdam