Bathroom screm
Passed out cold
What are these? Are they harmful? Ko
Downtown flood
I cut open this apple and all its seeds started the journey early for me!
Found my babies
Found my babies!
Why do some of my markers do this?
what are some foods/snacks you cant bear to eat? (basically foods you dislike)
Why did my broccoli die the day after I put it in the ground?
So strange
WE DID IT‼️ Our motion to create 10,000 ADDITIONAL Jobs for Youth by Summer 2026 has PASSED ✅
Took in my neighbors outdoor pregnant cat, is this bad?
Can someone access my file??
What’s a controversial food combination you enjoy?
Well, it finally happened
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
Anybody else basically gotta force themselves to eat?
Update: AITA for telling my husband his mom can't live with us for months-long stretches?
Peter please help
I get very confused by some of them (rant + explanation in the comments)
My boyfriend made a Pokémon themed bday cake -- how did he do?
Can we make Ikea's SKOGSDUVA plush an ASD icon just like Blahaj is a trans icon? It would make my day
What’s the worst place you’ve worked in Ottawa?