this shows up whenever i try to open optifine, i downloaded it from and 1.21.1, does anybody know why this happens?
day 2 of building wasted, but yesterday i lost 300 of my levels including wasted, luckily, my friend had a copy because it was going to be a megacollab, but now its solo.
why is every level i made gone?
yo, im making a layout for a level around med to hard demon diff. but ima buff it to extreme later on, i felt like this could be a good megacollab thing. so if you wanna join (and ur an experienced creator) you can! all info below.
my hardest is crazy II and ive doing "a week with zodiac' and this is my progress, do you think this is good for 4 days and an insane demon as a hardest?
can a sharpness 5 diamond sword one crit zombies, skeletons spiders, creepers?
what happened to my minecraft dog?
bloodbath globed be like:
Why levels are getting so "stupid"?
Little library
Name a level that is EXTREMELY overhated
robert topala robert
if ur speedhacking a level, you should deafen...
what are some cool tp i can use? (if someone says ssoh again i will strap you to a bomb and then on my bed)
Song kinda fits
Rename your favorite gd level to a clickbait youtube title
Sonic Wave 73%. Any day now it feels like...
Ultra Paracosm 100%! First scratch demon!
if new death corridor was rated what difficulty would it be
unpopular opinion this is the only hard part in acu
Old clip of me throwing my phone over Acropolis (it didn't even crack somehow, but I broke off a piece of my case).
what is the order in witch i should upgrade my diamond tools to nethrite?
if i enchant something with an enchantment table, can i still put books on it?
whats the level you have always wanted to beat your entire geometry dash career?