Do you ever miss someone you feel like you can't reach out to anymore, and if so why can't you reach out to them?
Am I doing this right?
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Can we talk about how absolutely absurd Face/Off is?
Did you confess your crush in high school, and what was the outcome?
What would you do if you were a billionaire?
Atheists who used to be religious, what changed your mind?
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
What's the adult equivalent of being carried inside after falling asleep as a child?
Married or long-term relationship couples: How do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
What's the hottest thing someone has ever said to you in bed?
Do you enjoy any mixers with your drink?
What's something that isn't therapy, but feels like therapy?
The worst pain known to man
I have a terrible whiskey. What cocktail can hide its poisonous taste?
Men of Reddit, how direct do women have to be when they are interested in you?
Attractive people of Reddit: how do you know you’re attractive?
How to explain money management and personal finance to a grown adult drowning in debt who is not emotionally mature and takes every suggestion as an attack?
Considering taking on another cock hehe who would be keen! Where is everyone located? 😈
I need soul-crushing, heart-wrenching romance drama movies to completely lose myself in and cry my heart out
People who speak more than one language fluently, what language does your brain think in and what language does is your inner monologue in?
What did you buy as an adult because you were denied it as a child?
People who are 30 and over, What does your "Childhood Friend Group" looks nowadays or is it non-existent by this point?
I watched 365 movies this year, and here is what I learned.
What do you add to eggnog?