The newest leaf just came out 2 days ago and I realised there is like another tiny leaf kinda thing attached to the base of the leaf and it looks like it has a hole on top. What's is that? Should I be worried? (it's an Alocasia Macrorrhiza Splash)
Have several Alocasias for years now but I have never seen this before. The newest leaf just came out 2 days ago and I realised there is like another tiny leaf kind thing attached to the base of the leaf and it looks like it has a hole on top. What's is that? (it's an Alocasia Macrorrhiza Splash)
My Activity is visible but the trainig session is not. Synced & up to date. What to do?
Polar Pacer says syncing needs to finish first, but syncing always stops at 95%... What do I do?
This was a baby shoot that I separated about 8 months ago from my Alocasia x Calidora mother plant. Look at her now! She is growing bigger leaves than her mama! 🙌
What are these pants called and which brand sells them?
This before and after makes me sad. Why is my Monstera losing it's lower leaves?
How do I help this little Alocasia Gageana Aurea to survive? I think she was too well packaged and the heat destroyed the edges of the leaves. I keep the moss moist and she gets lots of light but she is getting worse. Should I put her in my perlite prop-box instead? Or there is no way to save her?
How do I help this little Alocasia Gageana Aurea to survive? I think she was too well packaged and the heat destroyed the edges of the leaves. I keep the moss moist and she gets lots of light but she is getting worse. Should I put her in my perlite prop-box instead? Or is it too late for her? T_T
Almost ready to repot: how big of a pot would the plant circled need? I have these two at home. I'm not sure about how big of a rootsystem it has but the bigger pot seems huge & the smaller one would be unstable because of its huge top leaves. What do you think? (swipe)
Pot is too big & soil is too dense so I'd like to save the top of this big plant. Should I try air layering? If so should I put the aerial roots in the bag or cut them off beforehand? OR should I just cut at the red line and put it in water right away? (top has 3 big leaves with fenestration)
It's my first Monstera. What should I do with this almost completely empty and probably dying stem?
My(34m) girlfriend(33f) keeps very good relationship with her exes. Thoughts?
What should I do with this almost completely empty and probably dying stem? Should I just chop it up and put them in propagation box & hope for the best and make small plants of it? OR Should I keep the whole stem, get it rooted and put it in soil? Will it sprout new leaves on the empty stem?
Does anyone use a Polar Pacer watch to track their -indoor- rowing sessions? If not what else to use under 200$?
Is the Polar Pacer a good option in 2024 if I just want a basic tracker?
Plant leaves discoloration
What is wrong with my rubber plant?
How many books did you read in 2024 so far?
Which competitive sport is truly genderless? As in, a particular gender does not have any physiological advantage over another?
Yellow leafs Strelitzia
What is happening to my Strelitzia Nicolai? Good soil, tons of light and the same watering schedule for 1,5 years. But something’s clearly not ok.
Does my Croton need a new pot? Will repotting stunt its growth?
I haven't seen any review videos that compare the 2023 and the new 2024 model. Apart from the new tail, headlights, air-intakes and the new screen is there anything different? The new screen is the only modification I see as an actual upgrade. Or am I missing something?
How should I seprarate my Alocasia plants? Do I just cut their roots apart? Do I plant the 'baby' and give it water right away? Or should I root it in water first? How do I prevent the cuts (on both plants) from rotting? Is there a chance that I unalive both of them in the process? Please help!