Song titles that are way too long
Finished my yearly re-watch
What songs have ridiculously long names (excluding features in the title)
second attempt to post How do you think it will end, who would start who would end
everything’s jake
This specific kind of album cover
Found on a table at the Pain Management doctor's.
Spell your name with System Of A Down songs
Rocking the hot topic coontails and fake glasses 🤓
What’s your favorite Jake song?
Poor Finn got all his teeth broken/ a concussion in the 2014 season 6 episode, “Dentist”
Songs where they announce what song or artist you're listening to
Nearly every problem in Ooo was indirectly caused by this guy being a wad
What kind of shrimp is this?
Screenshots from the 3/6/25 Mattel Creations Revealed livestream of Corazon Marikit. Her body separates at the torso, and her packaging has a gimmick that allows you to move her body up and down.
Damn bro they're so cute.
Did you play on one of these as a kid?
Unhinged titles
Some Betty's (season 10 spoilers)
What could this banner design be?
What would you say are the most esoteric/occult/philosophical episodes?
What’s one thing everyone looks at you crazy for not liking?
What’s the worst food crime you have seen anyone commit?
What's your "I'm skipping this one" episode?
Songs with an N’ Instead of a NG in the Title