I’m curious, what era of Disney channel were you watching?
Going through withdrawals. Share your favorite Eras Tour moment. I miss live streaming and fighting dragons with you.
Least essential/ impactful swears in a taylor swift song?
How do you define a diner?
What lyric of Taylor’s makes you cry, even though it really shouldn’t?
Bridges that aren't Taylor's most impressive, but you still love?
Are any of Senator McCormick's offices answering the phone?
‘Tiana’ Disney+ Series Shelved as Walt Disney Animation Abandons Longform Streaming Content
Alright parents of littles, what’s your favorite fisher price banger?
Which show from the channel weren't you allowed to watch growing up?
Why are people obsessed with interpreting her thigh jewellery? Isn’t it obvious what it says?
What's an overlooked joke in the series?
What's Your Favourite Songs Jack Has Worked On?
what vault tracks couldve replaced a song on the album?
Scanning boxes of crates with your phone on an app.
What are your hopes for Taylor Swift (Taylor’s Version)?
What’s the weirdest Taylor Swift song you’ve cried to?
cardigans list
What’s something you learned from parks and rec?
If TTPD had just 13 tracks, what would make your list?
What mash up did you want Taylor to perform but she didn’t?
I'm still raising funds for my local women's shelter! These ornaments will be available tomorrow, and more mugs are on the way <3
Has anyone meet Adam back when he was still under a record label
Drop your favourite truth-bombs Taylor dropped in a song!
Gluten Free, 1st Pregnancy, & Scared